
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 05:06:32
我在马来西亚上学下周有一个英语口语考试!老师让我们用英语讲述一个电影!首先是电影的内容大概叙述!!然后从这个电影中可以学习到什么?讲述时间5-10分钟!!所以希望大家能把《忍者神龟》这个电影给我介绍一下 以及从中学习到什么?最好中英文都有 好的话 我加500分 谢谢大家了
不需要太多 因为只有5-10分钟时间 不需要特别难的词语 因为我要上讲台口述出来 不能带稿子的




没有标准答案的 但是一定要自己用心去想

你为什么不自己看看这部电影 自己去感悟一下呢?没有标准答案的 但是一定要自己用心去想

Okay, when I was little, I was a big Turtle fan. I had this deep, emotion connection with the show. Years later, yes, I never give it much thought. In a way, my hopes were answered when I found out this movie was coming out. One could just look at it and tell that this movie is either going to be really good or really bad.

I was shocked.This movie was REALLY well done. The plot ticks along at a good pace, some of the action sequence are outstanding in terms of action, animation and detail (the fight in the rain is a highlight of this film).
The characters were well developed, and of course, totally freaking awesome. In short, this movie does a great job targeting audiences of all ages. Cartoony for the kids, compelling and interesting plot for the teens, and very good morals to remi